Hikers climbing on the mountain, man wearing hearing aids.

Most individuals are pleased with their hearing aids: 91% of hearing aid wearers are happy with the hearing aid experience when talking one-on-one, based on a recent survey. When analyzing results with specific activities, 75% were satisfied in a restaurant or on the phone, 78% were satisfied while in the supermarket, and 85% were satisfied watching TV or in a group.

For a sophisticated device like a hearing aid, these are some amazingly positive results. But that still leaves us wondering, what’s happening with the other 25%, 15%, and 9%. What makes them less satisfied with their hearing aid?

Individuals with hearing aids have some good and some bad things to convey about them. (We can easily fix most of the bad stuff and that’s the good news!)

For individuals who are pleased with their hearing aids, this article will make you even happier. If you aren’t as happy with it as you’d like to be, we’ll investigate what to do about it.

1. I feel more connected

There’s frequently a reconnection with friends and loved ones for individuals who have had their ability to hear revived with hearing aids. They have more vitality. They feel like they can better participate and stay active.

Their failure to hear isn’t so frustrating anymore. Because they don’t have to struggle to hear what people are saying, they feel less fatigued.

For many individuals, a hearing aid helps them feel more connected to their world and others, which is when they feel happiest.

2. In the beginning, sounds seemed distorted

Hearing aids nowadays are digital. They don’t only make sounds louder, they have lots of settings to help you hear better in various places. Because of this, some people might be dissatisfied when they’re in a loud setting like a restaurant or talking on the phone but really pleased when in a one-on-one conversation.

Hearing aids aren’t complicated to learn to use. But getting used to them will take a little practice.

3. I couldn’t learn how to use my hearing aid on my own

A typical misunderstanding about hearing aids is that it’s a one-size-fits-all solution. People may leave the office with the misunderstanding that the sound won’t get any better, which could prompt them not to use them.

You might not even realize how complex hearing loss can be. Hearing aids are developed to address numerous types and degrees of hearing loss by adjusting the way sound enters the ear.

Our experienced hearing specialists will complete a hearing aid fitting in the office. When you get home, we recommend that you practice using your hearing aid with a friend in a variety of settings.

Consult with us if you’re still having difficulty after a couple of weeks. We can help you have a better knowledge of how your functions work and we can likely do some fine-tuning for you.

4. Without full hearing, you forgot what you were missing out on

Can you recollect what gentle laughter or a delicate whisper sounds like? How about the wind, wind chimes, singing birds, or soft music? Perhaps you’ve forgotten how it makes you feel to hear the delicate breath of a significant other sitting near you or youngsters playing outside.

Many individuals who get a hearing aid communicate that it’s a pleasing surprise to suddenly hear these small things that they had forgotten about. Having these sounds restored means the full magnificence of the world around can once again be experienced by individuals who get hearing aids.

5. Becoming accustomed to my new hearing aid took some getting used to.

You most likely weren’t at first comfortable with your first pair of shoes when you were a toddler. But now, of course, you’re totally comfortable with them. It might take time to become accustomed to a new hat or a new watch, in a similar way.

Our bodies are designed to feel uncomfortable when something feels out of place, like a hearing aid going into your outer ear. Eventually, when the body understands that it’s not threatened, it will become accustomed to and comfortable with the new device.

6. I wish I hadn’t put off so long to purchase my hearing aid

People who made the effort to get used to their hearing aids wouldn’t go back. They usually regret putting off for so long and they would never trade the benefits of being able to hear.

People who had patience and stuck with it were thankful that they did. Their lives have become a great deal more enriched.

Focus on improved hearing

Be patient and don’t give up, even if you aren’t yet having the best experience. The effort and the time will be worth it. Before long, using the hearing aid will become automatic.

Whatever you’re experiencing with your hearing aid today, consult us about it. We can help you fine-tune your hearing aids in a faster and more effective way. The adjustment is worth it when you get the opportunity to experience all that life has to offer.

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